I often connect with new clients by having a 15-minute conversation with them about their issues concerns, and goals. This is done through Telehealth online. The purpose of this initial consult is to see if we are a good match and if I believe I can help them.

When we decide to work together and move forward, I begin with an assessment of their body’s strengths and weaknesses. I do this through asking them about their health, emotional, and trauma history from their conception to where they are now. I also ask about their family health history, work, etc. Looking through this I can then assess how their physiology and biochemistry developed and led them to where they are now.

One important component to this initial assessment is to add their health genetic make-up. I usually recommend the 23andme saliva testing kit. With a raw data report produced by 23andme, I can further my analysis and then share with them deeper insights about their health and achievement status.

Many people think that their health and achievements are not interrelated. That is a big misconception because they are very intertwined.You may have experienced some traumatic events when you were young. This may have caused your axis of stress to never shut down due to some genetic anomaly that you have. So after a while you started to see everything as a threat and constantly expected the worst to come your way. Or, you think you are lazy. But your laziness may come from eating food that you are sensitive to. This ramps up your immune system (defense system) as you eat these foods which produces all kinds of histamine to help deal with the foods you are consuming. You are then opening yourself up to feeling lethargic, depressed, unwell, and exhausted , especially if your genes are weak and your body is trying to process the histamine, This will increase your self-judgment, crush your self-confidence, and make it very difficult for you to feel fulfilled.

I believe that everything in us, including our history, is so deeply connected with everything that surrounds us. The earlier we become aware of this, the deeper fulfillment we can achieve.

Once I have all this data, I produce a plan of action for us to start working together. Ultimately, this natural health care plan is all about feeding yourself properly, physically, emotionally, mentally and psychospiritually. Within every part of the plan one of the techniques that I will utilize is the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) . This has been such a powerful technique in my own life and in the lives of my clients. This technique will affect the way your nervous system works very profoundly for the better. And because of this, it will affect your perception that you have about yourself, others, and the world. This is often life-changing. It is a technique which brings us to the root of issues very quickly.

You can think about the work which needs to be done as a cruise ship that needs to change trajectory. If you want to move the cruise ship 5 degrees from its initial trajectory it will take energy and time, but not as much as if you need to move it 180 degrees.

I work with my clients over Telehealth on a weekly, biweekly, and/or monthly basis depending on their needs. We also adapt to the new goals that come along. We work together until you reach the kind of life that you want. I often describe it as living in the flow of energy that feels good to you. Once you are there, we keep our session going to keep you there. These usually become my monthly sessions.

My sessions are usually 20-25 minutes in length, I can accommodate longer sessions if needed. During the session we will review where you are at and then proceed with our next step if we are ready. Life at times brings us challenges which need to be dealt with, if so, we adjust our natural health care plan. I work with you. We work together one step at the time at your own speed. Everybody has their own needs. Everybody has their own speed. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing. It’s all about what is important for YOU.

Learn more about the Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) here.